Town of Sharon

Community Preservation Committee

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Amended and approved June 19, 2007



Present: George Bailey, Chair; Corey Snow, Treasurer; Arnold Cohen, Temporary Clerk; Arnold Kublin; Susan Rich


Guests: Alice Cheyer, 1 Glenview Road


Meeting convened at 7:05 p.m.


1.         The minutes of the May 3, 2007 meeting, as amended, were approved.


2.         Arnold Cohen was elected Temporary Clerk by a 4-0 vote.


3.         Treasurer’s Report.  Corey Snow gave the Treasurer’s Report.  Mr. Snow stated that the committee was in a position to borrow for the Glendale purchase by a five year, as opposed to a 10 year bond.  This would reduce overall expense, but would also mean higher payments for the 5 year period, thus reducing available funds for other projects initially (though increasing funds overall). A down payment of at least $100,000 would be required to support a five year bond.


            Mr. Bailey disagreed.  He said we should be consistent with the Horizons for Youth 10 year borrowing.  Also, the Town Treasurer should be the decision maker on investments.  If we invested our cash reserves in a Certificate of Deposit or an IRA paying 5 percent, this would minimize the effect of paying interest over a longer period of time.


            Mr. Snow also believed that the $750,000 Glendale purchase should be bifurcated, because $250,000 of that was for the existing house which probably will be sold within a year, so it doesn’t make sense to borrow for this portion for 5 or 10 years.


            It was basically decided to defer a decision on this, for input from new Town financial specialist who is to be appointed soon.


            Mr. Bailey also referred to an e-mail dated May 16, 2007 from the Department of Revenue legal department, to the effect that in meeting the 10% minimum for open space, affordable housing and historical, the Town cannot average the amounts allocated over a period of years; it must meet the 10% requirement each year.


            Mr. Snow further reported that after factoring in spending called for by approved projects, the CPC had approved the CPC had about $160,000 in cash reserves.  Of the $20,000 for administration funds approved for FYE 6/30/07, we have spent $1,800 on salaries and $2,600 on non-salary expenses, leaving a balance of about $14,000.  There may be a substantial legal bill forthcoming from Town Counsel.  Mr. Bailey will need to be reimbursed $400 for his expense in printing notices for the May 2007 Town Meeting.

4. Chair’s Report.  Mr. Bailey circulated correspondence from and between Phil Koppel and Alice Cheyer.  He also stated he had requested invoices from Town Counsel but hasn’t received them.


5. Report- Personnel Chair.  Mr. Kublin reported that there are 2 candidates for the position of CPC secretary, Rochelle Levits (who is currently the Planning Board’s secretary) and Karen Ganz.  Ms. Levits has already been interviewed.  Ms. Ganz will be interviewed by Mr. Kublin, Mr. Bailey and Mr. Cohen on May 31 at 6:00 p.m.


            Mr. Kublin met with the Town Personnel Board at their last meeting about the position.  They informed Mr. Kublin that under the Town by-laws, a person may not hold more than one compensated Town position unless it is in the best interests of the Town.  The Board stated that a letter from the Planning Board should be submitted stating it has no objection to Ms. Levits taking the additional position with the CPC.  The CPC should also submit a letter stating its desire to hire Ms. Levits.  Also, the Personnel Board will consider upgrading the position; and if it does so, any pay increase will be made retroactive to date of hire.


6. Award letters.  Mr. Bailey presented draft award letters for each of the items that were approved at the May Town Meeting as follows: (a) Russel McAvoy (#010); (b) Historical Commission (#008); (c) Sharon School Committee- Sharon Heights Elementary Playground Committee (#013); MBNA (#004); and Water Department (#007).  After revisions to the letters were suggested, the Committee unanimously authorized Mr. Bailey to sign revised award letters for each of these except the MBNA letter, which will be sent to Town Counsel for review.


7. Other business. Mr. Bailey said that there is a group which intends to submit a proposal for improvement or creation of walking trails in town.  There may be other submissions.  The deadline for submissions for the Fall Town Meeting is May 31, 2007.  The Committee voted unanimously to extend the deadline to June 15, 2007.


8. Jennifer Goldson, consultant.  Ms. Goldson outlined the progress she has made in carrying out tasks described in her May 2, 2007 proposal.  She also discussed how she planned to conduct the upcoming public hearing.  Because of scheduling conflicts, it was decided to schedule the public hearing for June 21 (instead of June 28, 2007) at 7:00 p.m. at the High School library.  Also, the CPC will meet on June 19, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. for about an hour, to prepare for the June 21 meeting.


            There was also discussion about how to publicize the June 21 meeting to maximize attendance.  Town Boards will be notified.  Through Ms. Rich, we will attempt to have an article published in the Advocate.  Mr. Kublin expressed his view that we may not have a representative group of people who will attend the hearing, to enable Ms. Goldson to prepare a report that incorporates an adequate Town viewpoint.  Mr. Kublin would like Ms. Goldson to conduct a town survey for the purpose of getting a wider town consensus.  Mr. Cohen expressed skepticism as to how beneficial a survey would be.  The Committee will decide on whether to take a survey or other steps after we see how the public hearing goes.


9. Election of Officers.  Terms of current officers expire on July 1, 2007.  At the next meeting after that date, the Committee will elect new officers.  By that time, the expectation is that the Board of Selectmen will have appointed a replacement for Janet Sargent-Tracy. 



Minutes prepared by Arnold Cohen